Douglas Kyle 1933-2023

Francine Corbiere Coupal dit :

Désolé d’avoir manqué le dernier rendez-vous!L’image de votre père pour moi est qu’il était très travaillant,souriant et sympathique .J’aurais aimé vous souhaiter mes sincères sympathies en personne mais j’ai eu un contre-temps.Mes pensées sont avec vous!

Pierre et Ginette Camire dit :

Nos plus sincères condoléances à Robert et Allison ainsi qu’à toute la famille.

Karena Meyer and John Antony dit :

Our heartfelt condolences to Cheryl, Robbie, Alison and the entire family. Your Dad and father-in-law was a special person and an important neighbour and friend in the area. I’m sure he will be missed but he will surely be watching with admiration from above and probably dancing up a storm with your Mom.
With love,

Erik Lambeets dit :

Toutes nos condoléances .

gilles georgette couture dit :

nos sinceres condoléances

Stéphanie Beaudoin dit :

Mes condoléances les plus sincères à la famille Kyle et aux amis proches pour qui Douglas a été si important. Cet homme me faisait grande impression. Impossible de l’oublier!

Monique Lanoie dit :

Nos plus sincères synpathies â toi Alison ainsi qu’â toi Robby et â toute ta famille

Monique Lanoie & Gilles Southière

Allister and Carol McIntyre dit :

Our deepest sympathies to the Kyle family .

Martine Deschamps dit :

Quel homme! Quelle force de la nature. Je suis assez fière d’avoir ramassé des roches avec lui un de ces printemps! Sympathies à toute la famille et particulièrement à Alison et à Robert. Courage.

Monique BIARD LEGROS dit :


Renata Muehleisen dit :

My heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr Kyle! A.K.A. as John Deer! You left without saying goodbye to your former nurses aid! I forgive you! Remember, I always hurried you along to eat because the boys needed help on the field! Ride on John Deer on the big combine in the sky! See ya!

Gaye and Jim Moss dit :

Thinking of you from Wolseley. Doug was a favourite nephew of Grandpa Kyle and we certainly enjoyed his visits and our visits with him . You did well Doug. Now you may rest. No more stone picking. Love and sympathy to all!

Robert Dale Kyle dit :

Sincere condolences from Dale and Cecilia Kyle to the immediate family for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.
Doug was very kind to us and always welcomed us with open arms whenever we visited the farm. Our children and us especially remember the awesome time we had at the first Kyle Reunion hosted by Doug and Heather. RIP🙏

Laurent Fortin dit :

Nos sympathies à la famille 🙏 Laurent Fortin et Francine Bourdeau

Elizabeth Robinson dit :

All my sympathies go out to the Kyle family and friends of Douglas.May he rest in peace and be reunited with his loved ones.

Darleen & Jacques Sabetta dit :

We’re very sorry to hear of your loss. Doug will always be fondly remembered.

Catherine Barron dit :

Many childhood memories of when I would ride my poney down Quest Road and see Mr. Kyle drive his tractor with a friendly smile. Surely where ever he may be now…a John Deere tractor will be waiting for him to continue his journey. My most sincere condoleances.

Karl Kramell dit :

My deepest condolence to the whole family. I have fond memories of Douglas and Heather from the late fifties when we went on our church and Young People Society on Summer picnics.

Guillaume Lavallée dit :

My deepest sympathy to the family, he was really a nice man. Guillaume.

Nicole riel dit :

Nos sympathies à toute la famille Claude,Nicole,Josée Couture

Ruth and Fernand Chalifoux dit :

We send our deepest sympathy to Robbie, Alison, Cheryl, Loretta and Family. Your dad was such a good friend to everyone. May he rest in peace. Ruth and Fernand xxx

Ghislaine Masse et jacques duquette dit :

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille avisons et Bob