Jonathan Davies 1993-2024

Sandy, Kat & Brie dit :

Words can’t express how sorry I am for your loss. May God give you peace and comfort in the days ahead.

Shaylyn dit :

Jonathan, may you rest in peace and be free of all worry and pain.
Jonathan’s family, may you feel peace knowing Jonathan is with God, may you feel happiness thinking of the memories, may you feel grief as you concur this new chapter of healing, may you feel loved and support by surrounding loved ones and know you are never alone.
Jonathan will always be with you.

Nana dit :

My thoughts and prays go out to Tabitha And Ethan, Jon will be terribly missed.

Kerrie & Chris dit :

Our sincerest condolences for your immense loss. Our hearts and prayers are with you Tabitha and your beautiful son Ethan. Jon loved you fiercely, may the memories last forever. xxoxox

Amanda McIntyre dit :

Our family has a hole where you should be. We’ll miss you so much! It’s incredible how hard and how long you fought. You should be so proud. All we can do is pray that you have finally found peace. It’s never fair and always the best of us that go too soon. Thanks for all the laughs and until we can all be together again ♥️

Amy dit :

Your memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved you. Rest in peace, Jon

Auntie June dit :

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. His love and presence brought so much light into your life, and the lives of others. Please know that I am here for you during this difficult time. During this time of profound sorrow, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

Carol Coward dit :

As God taken you from us and given you your wings our hearts are sadden you will be sadly missed RIP Jonathan

Mom and Dad dit :

You”ve left a big whole in our hearts.We will.never forget you.