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Edna Elsie Cookman 1922-2025

Cookman, Edna Elsie; peacefully on January 19, 2025 in Huntingdon, Quebec. She was born on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 1922, at the family farm in Henrysburg, QC, daughter of William Slack Cookman of Henrysburg and Jessie Hannah Elvidge of Lacolle, QC.
Her siblings Thelma (Akester), Evelyn (Hadley), Kenneth, Lynwood, and Laura (Edwards) predeceased her. She was the wife of Arthur Frederick Hébert and, following his death in 1967, she married Cecil L. Jackson, of Hemmingford, QC where she has lived ever since.
Left to mourn are her daughters Jacqueline (Stoneberger) and Mary (Steve Rogers) both residents of the USA; her grandchildren Nicholas (Elizabeth Larsen Stoneberger) of Vernon, BC, Spencer Rogers of Brooklyn, NY, Jillian (David Manng) of Phoenix, AZ, and Blaire Rogers of Denver, CO; her great-grandchildren Jack Robert, Anne Marie, and Ethan Stoneberger; Colin and Erin Manng.
Under the name of her husband, because women were denied government contracts, she was one of the first female rural mail carriers in the region. She started that task in an old Ford, which meant she had to hold her feet on both the brake and the clutch while reaching across to the right window to deposit the mail in the boxes, most of which were rather haphazard due to snow ploughs or their antiquity and this exercise undoubtedly kept her physically strong. She would be called to please bring a pound of butter or asked to give someone a ride to the village, which allowed her to press the rider into service to put the mail in the boxes for her. She continued to be a trusted presence at the mailbox for 25 years.
She loved to play bridge and taught herself by reading Goren on Bridge in the Montreal Star and these lessons allowed her to become one of the most avid bridge players in Hemmingford. She was a quilter and a member of the Barrington Quilters group for many years and her creations have enriched children and grandchildren.
She was a member of St. Luke’s Anglican Church in Hemmingford. The interment will be private due to the travel challenges in winter. A celebration of her life will be held sometime in the Spring.
Gifts in her memory to Comité des Loisirs, CHSLD HUNTINGDON, 198 rue Chateauguay, Huntingdon, QC J0S 1H0


Edna Elsie Cookman est décédée le 19 janvier 2025 à Huntingdon, Québec. Fille de William Slack Cookman de Henrysburg, QC et de Jessie Hannah Elvidge de Lacolle, QC elle est née à la ferme familiale de Henrysburg le jour de la Saint-Valentin, le 14 février 1922.
Ses frères et soeurs Thelma (Akester), Evelyn (Hadley), Kenneth, Lynwood et Laura (Edwards) l’ont prédécédée. Elle fut l’épouse d’Arthur Frederick Hébert et après le décès de celui-ci en 1967, elle épousa Cecil L. Jackson, tous deux de Hemmingford, QC où elle vivait depuis.
Elle laisse dans le deuil ses filles Jacqueline (Stoneberger) et Mary (Steve Rogers), toutes deux résidentes des États-Unis; ses petits-enfants Nicholas (Elizabeth Larsen Stoneberger) de Vernon, CB, Spencer Rogers de Brooklyn, NY, Jillian (David Manng) de Phoenix, AZ et Blaire Rogers de Denver, CO; ses arrière-petits-enfants Jack Robert, Anne Marie et Ethan Stoneberger ainsi que Colin et Erin Manng.
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale les femmes se voyant refuser les contrats gouvernementaux elle fut, sous le nom de son mari, l’une des premières factrices rurales de la région. Elle a commencé sa tournée dans une vieille Ford, ce qui l’obligeait à maintenir ses pieds sur le frein et sur l’embrayage tout en tendant la main vers la fenêtre de droite pour déposer le courrier dans les boîtes postales. Cet exercice hasardeux a sans aucun doute contribué à maintenir sa forme physique exceptionnelle. Il arrivait à l’occasion qu’on lui téléphone pour lui demander d’apporter une livre de beurre ou de conduire quelqu’un au village, ce qui lui permettait alors de demander à son passager de déposer le courrier dans les boîtes pour elle. Elle a continué à être une personne de confiance dans la distribution du courrier pendant 25 ans.
Elle adorait jouer au bridge qu’elle a appris elle-même en lisant Goren on Bridge dans le Montreal Star. Ces leçons lui ont permis de devenir l’une des joueuses de bridge les plus passionnées d’Hemmingford. Elle a été quilteuse et membre du groupe Barrington Quilters pendant de nombreuses années et ses créations ont embelli la vie de nombreux enfants et petits-enfants.
Elle était membre de l’église anglicane St-Luke à Hemmingford. En raison du climat hivernal les obsèques seront privées. Une célébration de sa vie aura lieu au printemps.
Les dons en sa mémoire peuvent être faits au Comité des Loisirs du CHSLD Huntingdon, 198, rue Châteauguay, Huntingdon, QC J0S 1H0

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To the memory of Cookman, Edna Elsie

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Our condolences

So very sorry to hear of Aunt Ednas passing. She was one of a kind,hard working, cheerful and kind. Her niece, Audrey Fitzpatrick

Audrey Fitzpatrick

Our condolences

My sincere condolences to Jacquie and Mary and your families. I was shocked this morning to have learned of Auntie Edna’s passing. I have such wonderful memories of the weeks I spent in my youth with her in the summer. Mary and I would join her on her mail route. Coming from the city I thought this was such fun and have bragged since to my family and friends about my aunt being a mail woman. May she rest in peace. I shall pass on the sad news to Audrey and Luena. With hugs.

Kenna Akester

Our condolences

My Sympathy to the family of Edna Cookman, Hebert, Jackson. My Memories of Edna was that of a lady who enjoyed visiting and sharing many stories of her rich life.

Jean Merlin

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I am deeply sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to Jackie, Mary and your families during this difficult time. May you find comfort and strength in the cherished memories of your loved one.

Ginette Tremblay

Our condolences

My mother, Alice, always considered Edna to be amongst her very best friend. A friendship which grew and spanned over several years and decades. Both were not faint-hearted and did not fear hard work and long hours ( weekly job at Post Canada and weekends at the Hemmingford Golf Club).
When my mother became very ill and resisted, for a certain period of time, hospitalisation, Edna would find time to visit her on a daily basis, bringing food, as well as much appreciated moral support.

To Jacquie, Mary and to Edna’s family, my most deepest and sincere condolences.

Robert Pierre

Robert Pierre

Our condolences

Our Deepest Sympathy to Edna,s Family…

Heather & Rick Anderson

Heather Anderson

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My sincere condelences for the passing of your mom.
I remember her kindly and saw her often when I lived in Hemmingford since she was always popping up at our house to chat with my mother Henriette (Harriet).
And Aunt Edna gave me my first job. In my tweens (might even be earlier than that), I used to go on the mail run with her on Saturdays and summers. She was so very hardworking; morning job for the Postal Service and evening job at the Golf Club. I don’t know where she got her energy.
I have fond memories of her and she will be missed.

Lise Tremblay

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My sincere sympathy Mary , Jacky and families. I reminber Edna and will keep good memories of a happy women RIP

Claudette Smith Brosseau

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Our deepest sympathy to Jacquie & Mary & their families. Edna was our mail lady for all her 25 years at our mailbox on Fisher Street. You could always count on her no matter how bad the weather was or how hard it snowed. She was a determined, hard working lady & our family appreciated her good service very much.

Helen & Madeline Enderle

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Our deepest sympathy to Mary & Jacquie & your families. We remember when your mother was our mail lady during her 25 years delivering the mail on our street. No matter how bad the weather or how deep the snow, she was bound to come along sooner or later. She was a dedicated & hard working lady & our family appreciated her service very much.
In later years it was always nice having a chat with her.

Helen & Madeline Enderle

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Our sympathies to Jackue Mary and families. Our parents were good friends I have many happy memories.

Carol & Allister McIntyre

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Our deepest sympathy to Mary, Jacquie, and both of your families in the passing of your mother. She was such a hardworking and independent lady who we got to know through bridge playing at the Old Convent. May she rest in peace.

Ruth (Marlin) and Fernand Chalifoux

Our condolences

So sorry for your loss. I remember her as always smiling with a positive attitude. She loved to talk and was funny and liked to keep busy. She will be remembered by all who knew her. RIP Edna’

Gisela Hess

Our condolences

It was certainly a pleasure being a part of Mother’s life for the past few years. Fond memories of her past were always shared, and her love of story telling will certainly be missed. May her memory be a blessing.

Joshua McKell and Dr. Farooq Abdallah Ali of Westmount, Quebec

The Angels in Paradise are welcoming

My sincere condolences to you all.

Donny Keddy

Our condolences

Our sympathy to all of Edna’s family.

Dan & Sharon Mark

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Gilles Hébert,neveu et musicien au chch

Our condolences

Dear Jacquie, Mary and your families, my sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved mother.

Susan Hadley