From Hemmingford, on August 10, 2024, at the age of 80 years old, passed away Mr. Robert Vaillancourt, son of the late Herbert Vaillancourt Sr. and Viviane Patenaude. Survived by his children Debbie (Richard), Johanne, Carole, and Robert Jr., his grandchildren Ryan, Leo, Drake and Izaak; his siblings: late Herbert Jr. (Jeannie), late Ernest (Gail), Roger (Jeannette), Suzanne, late Arthur (late Priscilla), Rita, Guy, Elizabeth (Robert); nieces, nephews and friends.
The family will receive condolences at :
Serre & Finnegan
514 Champlain Avenue
Hemmingford, J0L1H0
On Saturday September 28, 2024 from 9 to 11:30 a.m.