De Lacolle, le 23 mai 2015 à l'âge de 87 ans, est décédée Mme Verena Gasser, épouse de feu Rudolf Bienz. Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Elizabeth (Gary), Peter (Kathi), Jack (Lynda), Helene (Martin), Susie (Louis), Dorothy (Éric), ses petits-enfants Shannon, Heather, Nina, Nicolas, Christopher, Michael, Matthew, Benjamin, Stefan, Jessica, Andrea, Peter-James, William, Adrien, Vincent, Frédérick, Olivier, Annie, Samuel, ses 6 arrières petits-enfants, beau-frère, belles-sœurs, neveux, nièces, parents et amis.
Verena Bienz (nee Gasser), 2015-05-23

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To the memory of Bienz (nee Gasser), Verena
May God accompany you in this hardship
Our deepest sympathy to you Liz & Gary, Shannon, Steve, & Heather, and all your family Liz.
She was a wonderful woman and a great mother, grandmother. She will always be remembered in prayer and in all our hearts.
Susan Campese & family
Toutes nos condoléances
We were in Lacolle 1968-71 and got to know Verena and Rudy and some of the kids at that time. I remember a wonderful party at their house just before we left. We have very fond memories of our time in Lacolle and particularly because of Rudy and Verena. We can only imagine how much she will be missed by the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Please know that you are all in our prayers at this time.
Rev Douglas and Sue Wilson
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My sympathy to all who now Verena. We first met in June 1971 and I have always treasured her smile and her grace. We last met in church in Hemmingford in March after not having seen each other for a long time and it was as if there had been no gap at all. She was full of smiles and warmth as always and humour too. “Imagine that I am still here after all these years” she said. I told her that I would be surprised if she wasn’t here and for me she will always be in my heart and memory… a precious person.
John Matheson
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Mes sincères sympathies Dorothy et à toute la famille Bienz xx
Sylvie Dame
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Love mourning families Bienz
My dear Liz, Pit, Föbs, Helen, Dorothy and Sue
As all condole even in this way and judge you our sincere condolences to the passing away of your beloved mother Verena.
During our stay with you on the Bernafarm 1974-1975 Vreni was like our own mother for us. With her amiable nature, Vreni was always there if we had any concerns for us and meant it always very good with us.
This also resulted to Vreni and your families the permanent contact to this day – I’m your love Vreni very grateful for the great time and what it has a everything given as love people on the path of life.
Furthermore, in silent solidarity – your Bernu with Elsbeth, Switzerland
Elsbeth and Berni Schneider, Switzerland
Toutes nos condoléances
Love mourning families Bienz
My dear Liz, Pit, Föbs, Helen, Dorothy and Sue
As all condole even in this way and judge you our sincere condolences to the passing away of your beloved mother Verena.
During our stay with you on the Bernafarm 1974-1975 Vreni was like our own mother for us. With her amiable nature, Vreni was always there if we had any concerns for us and meant it always very good with us.
This also resulted to Vreni and your families the permanent contact to this day – I’m your love Vreni very grateful for the great time and what it has a everything given as love people on the path of life.
Furthermore, in silent solidarity – your Bernu with Elsbeth, Switzerland
Elsbeth and Berni Schneider, Switzerland
Toutes nos condoléances
Love mourning families Bienz
My dear Liz, Pit, Föbs, Helen, Dorothy and Sue
As all condole even in this way and judge you our sincere condolences to the passing away of your beloved mother Verena.
During our stay with you on the Bernafarm 1974-1975 Vreni was like our own mother for us. With her amiable nature, Vreni was always there if we had any concerns for us and meant it always very good with us.
This also resulted to Vreni and your families the permanent contact to this day – I’m your love Vreni very grateful for the great time and what it has a everything given as love people on the path of life.
Furthermore, in silent solidarity – your Bernu with Elsbeth, Switzerland
Elsbeth and Berni Schneider, Switzerland
Nous nous joignons à vous dans l'épreuve qui vous accable
Nos sincères sympaties à toute votre famille.
Famille Robert Sicotte
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Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille
Sonia Bigonesse & Hans et Simon Dewyse
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Verina personified motherhood. She was devoted to her family, dedicated to her church and cared for her community. She was a pillar of strength at all times and warm and hospitable to all who visited. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her.
Our sincere condolences,
Perry and Denise Anderson
Perry and Denise Anderson
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Dear Bienz family,
We would like to offer our heartfelt symphaty in this sad time.Vreni was such a dear and friendly person ,she will be missed.
Ida,Willy Kessler and Kathrin and Jürgen Kalweit
Toutes nos condoléances
Dearest Dorothy and Bienz family members,
It is with great fondness that I remember your Mom and all the wonderful times I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend time at the farm and with your family… she has indeed left a great legacy amongst her children and all of her descendants. Her strength, kindness and love will be with you all forever. Your Mom and Dad are now together and will always look over you. Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances et pensons à vous tous. xoxoxoxox
Françoise Lemaitre and family
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Dear Bienz family We send our deepest sympathies We wish I could take away the hurt and answer the questions in your heart. We wish I could help you find peace and bring you comfort.
Frans & Annie Cnudde
Toutes nos condoléances
Dear Bienz family,
We would like to offer our heartfelt symphaty in this sad time.Vreni was such a dear and friendly person ,she will be missed.
Ida,Willy Kessler and Kathrin and Jürgen Kalweit
Our condolences
Dear Bienz family, our deepest sympathies in this sad time. Verena was such a wonderful person, and will be greatly missed.
Ingela with family
ingela Lof
Our condolences
Our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Carolyn and Ralph Marlin
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My deepest sympathy to the whole Bienz family, wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time. She may be gone but the wonderful memories of her will always remain.
Irene Schelenz
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A toute la grande famille de Madame Verena Bienz,
Nos plus sincères condoléances, nos pensées sont avec vous.
Bon courage
Nicole & Réal St-Hilaire
Nicole & Réal St-Hilaire
Toutes nos condoléances
Was so very sad to hear about the passing of Verana. As I was planting some flowers over the past weekend, she slipped into my thoughts as I always envied her green thumb.Will always remember her generous donations of time and baked goodies to the Church and her wonderful laugh and beautiful smile.My thoughts are with you all during this time—Raylene&family
Raylene Van Vliet
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toute mes sympathie a la famille éprouvée
Our condolences
our heartfelt condolences go out to you all. Vreni was such a kindhearted and very generous woman. She welcomed all us new immigrants to her home and her family. I cherished all the flowers, roots and seedlings from her garden that she so generously handed out to me and I know to many many more.
always ready for a hug ,if I saw her at the local stores or at church. Vreni to me Grosi for the younger generation , your sweet way of life is going strong among your children and grandchildren . how lucky were they all to have you for such a long time and now it seams not long enough.
rest in piece dear Vreni and we all know that heaven has received a fine angel. I am suer Ruedi received you with open arms . when I think of this my tears become a soft smile .
Brigitte Kessler-Lichtensteiger
Our condolences
Our Sympathy to You All.
Bill Anderson & Diane Viau
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Nous exprimons nos sincères condoléances et pensons à vous durant cette triste épreuve.
Bruno & Andrée Setz
Our condolences
Dear Bienz family, we send our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
Lucien, Cathy, Daniel & Julien Bouchard
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A toute la famille nos plus sincères condoléances
Roger Claudine Vannod
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Mein herzliches Beileid, Dorothy, an dich, Olivier und alle deine Familie.
Michael Lubetsky
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Nous avons été bien attristés de cette nouvelle chère Dorothy et nous t’envoyons tout notre support à toi et à ta famille. Brigitte et Daniel XXXX
Brigitte Patenaude
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À toute la grande famille nous exprimons nos sincères condoléances.
Que de beaux souvenirs restent toujours avec vous.
Peter et Lise Gasser
Peter & Lise Gasser
Our condolences
Our deepest sympathy to Kathy, Peter and the rest of the family in the loss of your mother. Our thoughts are with you at these difficult times. May your memories of your mother give you peace and comfort.
From the entire FEDE committee.
Peter Fuhrer
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our sincere condolences to liz, shannon, heather & the rest of the family our thoughts are with you @ this difficult time.from diane, tina & simon
diane berry
Our thoughts are with you in this moment of grief
To the Bienz family : I am so sorry for the loss of Verena. I have such fond memories of our families being together when all the children were going to school. Everyone looked up to Verena and Rudy and had so much respect for both of them. It is such a great loss to our little community. May the beautiful memories of so many years sustain you as you grieve. You have my deepest condolences. Kevin Van Vliet – Montreal
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Bonjour Dorothy,
Mes pensées sont avec toi et toute ta famille, je ne pourrai être présente de corps mais soit assuré que mon esprit sera parmi vous. Mes sincères condoléances xxx
Nathalie Gamache
Our thoughts are with you in this moment of grief
Dear Friends
We are sorry we cannot be with you at this time but please know our thoughts are with you. Vereni brought us such warmth and kindness whenever we visited the farm, our home away from home while we lived in Montreal. Ron loved the fresh bread, and milk that were always available on our visits and Linda especially loved the gardens and preparing meals together. May you find strength together as you think about the many special memories you have as a family. We feel truly blessed to have had Vereni as part of our lives. Sending our love, Linda and Ron
Linda and Ron Young
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Nos sincères sympathie Dorothée ainsi qu’a ta famille.Nos pensées sont avec vous.
Famille Campagna
Que la paix soit avec vous
Mes condoléances, à tous les enfants, petits enfants, et ma gratitude Verena pour tout le biens que vous avez fait et enseigner a tous au cour de votre vie
Lucielle Charlebois
Our condolences
My sincere sympathies to the entire Bienz family. Your Mom was a special lady – I remember her wonderful smile, her generosity and kindness, and her beautiful flowers. I’m so very sorry for your loss.
Judy (Douglas) Greenwood
Judy Greenwood
Toutes nos condoléances
Nous avons vécu 22 ans comme voisin de Mme Verena Bienz,Une mère compréhensive, une personne généreuse , aimable et très engagée. Une personne qu’on ne peut oublier, Nos sincères condoléances
à toute la famille. Nous sommes vraiment touchés par ce départ.
Maurice et Michelle Bergeron
Our deepest sympathy to all the rest of the family. And for us she was an unique and authentic person that left in our heart very good souvenirs.
Maurice et Michelle Bergeron
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My deepest sympathy to the family, your mom was such a kind and generous person , always smiling and laughing..She will be missed,. My thhoughts are with you all. Irma Studer Saint Jean, Qc
Irma Studer
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Elizabeth love and peace to you and your family . My deepest Sympathy to all the family at this time.
Steven Jennings and Helen Foster
Il y a des Anges au Paradis pour l'accueillir
Sincères condoléances
Sylvie Bianco
Our condolences
My deepest sympathy to Liz, Peter, Jack and the rest of the family in the loss of your mother. She was a lovely lady and will be greatly missed. I will be thinking of you all on Thursday. Jean (Biggar) Peterson, Victoria, BC
Jean (Biggar) Peterson
Our condolences
My most sincere sympathies to the entire Bienz family. Your Mom was a very special lady – I remember that wonderful smile, her kindness and her beautiful flowers. I am so very sorry for your loss. Judy (Douglas) Greenwood
Judy Greenwood
Que la paix soit avec vous
To my cousins and your families, I share in your grief at the death of your mom. Vreni was like a dear aunt to me, and always a caring presence in my life. She was a great support to my mom until the end of her life, and I so appreciate that she has kept in touch with me by phone and email. I will miss her dearly. I send my love to you all.
Barbara Kuhne
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Dear Bienz family,
We would like to express our deepest sympathy for the loss of your mother. May your memories of her give you peace and comfort.
Heidi Dallenbach (Senneville) and family
Katherine Dallenbach
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Our deepest sympathy to you Liz, and to all the Bienz family for the loss of your loved one.
Ross and Gretta Whyte
Que la paix soit avec vous
To all the children of Verena and Rudolph, who my siblings and I grew up with, we are so very sorry for the loss of your wonderful mother. She was a kind spirit, so willing to share of herself so unselfishly. She was a great friend to my mother for many years. As a family we enjoyed some of the plentiful vegetables and flowers from the homestead. The Bienz family is rooted in the community and Verena will be as sadly missed as Rudy is. To all of you and your families, we hope you find peace knowing what a wonderful people your parents were. You have our deepest sympathies.
With love, Karen (Van Vliet) Tripp (Cranbrook, B.C.)
Karen (Van Vliet) Tripp
Our condolences
Dear Bienz Families,
We were so sorry to hear of this great loss, not only to all of you but to everyones’ lives she touched with love & grace. What a lovely lady! She will be missed by everyone that knew her.
Our very heartfelt condolences,
Belinda, Blair, Lee, Evan, Maude & Cynthia Gushue
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Our deepest sympathy to all the family. She was such a fine lady who will be greatly missed.
Fernand and Ruth Chalifoux
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Please accept our most heartfelt sympathy for the loss of your Mom. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Helen and Michel Surprenant
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My sympathies to all the family. She will be missed.
Wendy Whyte
Our thoughts are with you in this moment of grief
To the entire Bienz family. Words cannot express the loss of such a great Lady. Such a delight, just like the beautiful flowers in her garden and her baked goods! She was Grösi to all who knew and loved her.
Our deepest sympathies.
Jamie & Patsy
Jamie & Patsy Patenaude
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The family of Dave and Bertha Van Vliet send their sympathies to the extended family of Verena Bienz. We share many fond memories of Verena and are forever grateful to the loving care she extended to our parents in their senior years. One of the greatest things that happened to the Van Vliet family is when Rudolph and Verena came into our lives. We all regret that we will be unable to attend your ceremony on Thursday, but our thoughts and prayers will be with you. Your sad loss will be shared by so many people in your community, as your parents touched so many lives. With love, Lachlan, Keith, and Mildred
Lachlan Van Vliet
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C'est avec désolation que nous apprenons le décès de cette grande dame. Soyez assuré de notre plus grande sympathie.
Jeannette et Germain Jubinville
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Mes sinceres sympathies to all the family, i'm sorry Dorothy I can't make it on Thursday my thoughts will be with you and the family xxx love Michelle
Michelle Serre
Our condolences
Dorothy and family, Our deepest sympathies for the of your Mom.
our hearts are with at this sad time.
Neil & Colleen Lamb
Colleen & Neil
Our condolences
Dorothy and family, Our deepest sympathies for the of your Mom.
our hearts are with at this sad time.
Neil & Colleen Lamb
Colleen & Neil
Que Dieu vous accompagne dans l'épreuve
Mes sympathies à toute la famille.
Jean Lestage
Que la paix soit avec vous
May Peace be with you, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all your loved ones.
Your mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, Verena (Vreni) was my soul-sister, always ready to listen, to discuss the deepest or most interesting or funniest things whenever we spoke. She could reach me where it mattered deep in my heart, like no-one else ever has or will again, a willing listener and wonderful sounding board.
May she remain forever in your hearts and may your wonderful memories of her help ease the pain of your grief.
With all my heart I am so sorry for your loss.
Annelise Gasser
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May peace be with you
My thought and prayer are with you Dorothy and you entire family. May the following weeks help you all heal.